Sunday, August 4, 2013

True Blood Recap 8/4/13 – Season 6, Episode 8 – “Dead Meat”

This week’s episode of True Blood is opening up with Bill and Eric facing off. Bill is trying to convince Eric to face off against the anti-Vampires, while Eric is still harboring some resentment after Nora’s death.

The Pack isn’t exactly playing nice with Nicole and her mother. They’re furious that Alcide “chose a shifter” over them, and are determined to do away with him as the packmaster. Unfortunately for them, Alcide is still stronger by far, and their fight is quickly lost. (… for now.)

Over at Vampire Camp, Jason is still in prison and has become someone’s personal feeding ground… forever. She does, however, promise Jason that she won’t be passing him around because she was brought up in “bad-ass medieval Catholicism.”

Click on over to the next page to see what happens next!


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