Sunday, August 4, 2013

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Whether because of doctor’s anxieties or hospital and doctors’ schedules, doctors often induce labor and/or recommend C-sections. A troubling and prevalent reason derives from the increased use of technology and use of labor inducing drugs. One example was a caesarean on Supra TK Society High Tops Women a woman whose ultrasound showed the fetus to appear larger (12 lbs. 10 oz.) than it actually was (9 lbs. 4 oz.). Ultrasound is not a snow20130805 reliable method for determining the baby’s weight. In Supra TK Society Mid Menanother case, a young woman believes that the crowded hospital facilities in New York City prompted her doctor to induce labor. A Belgian study revealed that induced labors involves significantly more pain medication and leads to more cesarean births due to both fetal distress and stalled labors. Once there is induction, the baby must be monitored. The drugs adminis Supra TK Society Mid Womentered to this New York mother affected the baby’s heartbeat (fetal distress), necessitating a C-section. There is also a Supra Vaider High Tops Menrisk that the baby will be in the wrong position because it’s not ready to be born, or that risk that the baby will be in the wrong position because it’s not ready to be born, or that the induction will not work. If the mother’s water has broken, the baby must be born by C-section for its safety.


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