Monday, March 18, 2013

Kate Middleton, Prince William Call Their Baby-to-Be "Our Little ...

The Royal Grape! With first-trimester morning sickness woes long behind them, the expectant Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are relishing in the joys of Kate Middleton's first-ever pregnancy -- and, of course, their growing little one, who is due in July. Indeed, in the latest issue of Us Weekly, out now, a royal insider says that Middleton, 31, and Prince William, 30, have a hilarious nickname for the baby-to-be.

PHOTOS: Inside Kate's baby prep

"Kate and William call it 'our little grape,'" the insider says, explaining that they came up with the fruity moniker after noting the size of the fetus on a recent growth chart.

Although the Duchess has noticeably kept up with her official royal duties, she's also kept up a more private daily routine: A brisk walk on the palace grounds, a jaunt to a local Starbucks for a decaf coffee -- and something sweet!

PHOTOS: Kate's body evolution

"She's got sugar on the brain," another source says. "Chocolate, biscuits, cake." First-time dad William, meanwhile, carves out as much time as possible to be with his wife of nearly two years, clocking out of his grueling 24-hour shift as a search-and-rescue pilot to be by her side. "They make it work as best they can."

PHOTOS: Royal pregnancies

For much on how the royal couple are prepping for baby -- and what real names they're thinking of for the tyke -- pick up the new Us Weekly, on stands now!


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