Monday, March 18, 2013

Channing Tatum's Wife Wants Him to Cut Down on Work

Channing Tatum’s Wife Wants Him to Cut Down on Work

Posted by Adam

CHANNING Tatum‘s wife wants him to cut down on his work commitments so that he can focus on daddy duty.

The actor and Jenna Dewan recently revealed that their first child — due in late spring — will be born in London, where Channing will be shoot­ing a film. And the 32-year-old heartthrob further admitted that “there will be no downtime whatsoever after that.”

Jenna, sources say, is worried about Channing’s comments.

“Jenna’s at her wits’ end over Channing’s breakneck schedule,” a source said.

“She’s so proud of him and what he’s achieving as an actor and producer, but there’s just no time for setting up house as a new family and establishing a sense of normalcy for their baby.

“She’s begging Channing to take a break, not only for their baby’s sake, but for their marriage.”

Tatum just finished shooting the drama “Foxcatcher” and has four more films in the works that will keep him hopping – and on location – well into 2014.

“It’s a great schedule for an actor, but a lousy one for a new dad,” said the pal.

“Channing and Jenna could become victims of their own success.

“You fear it will end up tearing them apart.”

Tags: channing tatum


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