Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Top 3 Most Viewed Youtube Videos On Youtube - Buy Real Views ...

In a popularity-by-numbers driven world that we are living right now, never has been a particular saying more appropriate: Vox Populi Vox Dei. Not that we will be talking about the existence of God here in this post. What I am trying to say is that popularity is directly influenced by the people’s demand. In the Internet and social media for example, the hits dictate the desire of the people – more hits mean they like you. Numbers have never wielded such great power than ever. Now, they dictate how people think in all aspects of life. This paradigm is applicable in the music industry. With just a click away with YouTube, consumers are all there online and musicians need to upload their videos to reach multitudes. No wonder music videos are the most viewed YouTube videos online. The fact is, music video comprises 20 percent of the entire uploaded video clips but it accounts for almost 95 percent of the total traffic! In this article, we list the top three most viewed YouTube video.

Shakira’s Waka Waka

This particular music video serves as the official music video of the latest FIFA World Cap. Shakira’s hips are so matched with the African rhythm. As of this writing, this music video already has 332 460 127 views (and counting of course!). We saw this video a thousand times– playing after a vuvuzela chorus. Of course, the song landed most of our iPod playlists.

Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance

Lady Gaga is a defining moment of this decade’s music. No further introduction needed for her after saying meat costume. Her exotic fashion sense has dragged people to click through her music video currently with 369 684 135 views. So if you are gay, definitely you have contributed to almost majority of that number.

Justin Bieber’s Baby

As much as we hate to admit it, the guy has garnered almost half a billion hits by repeating the word baby ad infinitum. Yes, we are forced to admit that the world’s biggest Internet star is a teenager boy with that fringe. Call it mediocrity but apparently, most of the girls liked him a lot– and we don’t know if it is the fringe. This prepubescent heartthrob has indeed taught us the power of numbers.


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