Actor Mark Wahlberg is giving Justin Bieber some fatherly advice and the troubled pop singer would probably be wise to take it.

Mark Wahlberg Advice Justin BieberJustin Bieber TattooPHOTO: Michael Sohn/Judy Eddy

“Justin, are you listening? Don’t be so naughty,” Wahlberg said during the interview with The Sun. “Be a nice boy, pull your trousers up, make your mom proud and stop smoking weed, you little bast*rd.”

Wahlberg said Bieber is a “teenager living in a different day and age. I was in prison before I got a record out and I don’t think he’s been to prison,” the actor added.

“He’s a nice enough kid and you’re going to be a teenager, but if you’re being a teen in the spotlight you’re going to be criticised for it. This career can be short-lived – you might as well be the best you can while you’re doing it.”

“You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn’t until I really started doing good and doing right, by other people as well as myself, that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don’t have a problem going to sleep at night. I feel good when I wake up in the morning,” Mark ended.

Bieber’s most recent incident allegedly involved a physical altercation at a nightclub, “while past incidents included publicly urinating while cursing a former president, allegedly spitting in a person’s face and getting caught with drugs on his tour bus at the Canadian border,” the Huffington Post reports.

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