Monday, August 5, 2013

Justin Bieber Tilts At Windmills In Latest ber-Defensive Tweet! Get ...

justin bieber twitter rumors funny angry rant weird

Good news — the Biebs thinks U and the rumors UR spreading are HIGHlarious!

Yeah, YOU! The one who gets "this stuff" from an undisclosed location!

Just a tad confused? Join the club!

Justin Bieber broadcast an oddly vague yet super-defensive message into the Twittersphere several hours ago, and now we're scratching our head trying to figure out what the heck he meant!!

See if you can decipher it for yourself!!

JB tweeted:

Clearly funny is a euphemism — the Boyfriend singer is mad because a non-Belieber spread inflammatory rumors!

We only wish he would've been more specific!!!

Is Justin mad because we caught on to his filter obsession for shirtless selfies on Instagram?

Maybe he's distressed because we think he's a liability in the club?

Or is The Big Bieberoni hurt because Selena Gomez's lady-tail apparently wags for another?!

Oooh, we know!! We bet he's angry because his posse was accused of brutally assaulting someone in a New York nightclub?

Putting fans in the hospital isn't a good way to ensure they buy your album, so that could be it!

Uggh!!! Just open up and tell us what's wrong, Biebsy!!!

We'll be here for you! ALWAYS!!

Unless Harry Styles and One Direction need us more!

P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to "like" Perez on Facebook!

[Image via Instagram.]

Tags: alcohol, angry, boyfriend, harry styles, instagram, justin bieber, new york, nightclub, rant, rumors, selena gomez, shirtless, the biebs, twitter


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