Thursday, December 20, 2012

Justin Bieber Ordered To Apologize For Mocking Manny Pacquiao ...

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has come under fire from politicians in the Philippines after he mocked Filipino boxing legend Manny Pacquiao online.

Following Pacquiao's knockout bout with Juan Manuel Marquez earlier this month, the Baby hit-maker uploaded two photo shopped snaps of the fighter on the floor of the boxing ring.

One had The Lion King character Simba standing over Pacquiao alongside the caption, "Dad wake up," while another mock-up had Michael Jackson in his famous leaning pose from the Smooth Criminal video, mirroring Pacquiao just before he hit the floor.

The photos have outraged Filipino politicians, who have threatened to make Bieber a "persona non grata" in the country unless he apologizes for his "distasteful comments."

The statement from seven members of the Philippines Congress adds, "Mr. Bieber should have known that the Hon. Pacquiao has reached his stature as such as a result of sheer hard work, determination and firm belief in God, and despite such stature best exemplifies humility and grace even in defeat."

Watch "Watch Marquez Knock Out Pacquiao With 'Perfect Punch'"


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