Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Crazy Days and Nights: Justin Bieber Accused Of Attempted Robbery

On Monday night, Justin Bieber was being his usual a-hole self. The singer, who seems to spend most of his time doing anything but singing was at a miniature golf course because he is too tiny to play actual golf and swing a club when he got into a confrontation with some guy there. Sounds about like Justin. A woman was at the course with her 13 year old daughter and started to take out her phone to take photos. Justin noticed her and went and tried to grab the phone out of her hands. After the weak Justin fought with the woman he finally snatched it from her hands and jumped around and shouted with a glee only matched by Kramer beating little kids in karate. Unfortunately Justin couldn't get around one little problem. The woman had a password on the phone. He then made her enter the code so he could erase photos, but there weren't any. She told him that she and her daughter just wanted to say hi. Justin responded by screaming at the woman that she had humiliated her now crying daughter. Justin then started screaming at someone else. The woman went to the police yesterday to file a complaint. It sure sounds like attempted robbery. This is about crime number four in the past six months for Justin, but nothing has been done about any of them...yet.


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