Tuesday, November 12, 2013

'Teen Mom 3' Recap: Mackenzie Can't Make Josh Love Her | The Stir

Mackenzie Douthit Teen MomPoor Mackenzie Douthit. It's hard to think anything but that when you watch Teen Mom 3 . This girl is working her tail off raising her little boy, going to school, cheerleading, and trying to be a good girlfriend. And Josh McKee can't even be bothered to return her calls or, as we saw on tonight's episode, say thank you for a thoughtful Father's Day present.

Josh is not a bad guy, especially not compared to some of the other jerk boyfriends we're watching on Teen Mom 3. Matt McCann was in the hospital, recovering from a heroin overdose on Father's Day, which Alex Sekella had to spend alone. And who knows where Briana DeJesus' ex-boyfriend, Devoin Austin, was for the big day. It wasn't watching his daughter Nova experience her first ever visit to the beach.

And let's not even get started on Joey Maes, who can't bother to get his butt back to the apartment in time to drive Katie (in her car, remember?) and daughter Molli to a baby swim class because he has better things to do ... like go fishing.

Josh is not that kind of jerk. He's present in his kid's life. He's not out shooting up heroin. He's not even mean to Mackenzie, exactly.

He's just not very nice to her either.

In fact, the more I watch Mackenzie bending over backward to make Josh's life easier, to try to make sure he sees his son, to be a "good" girlfriend, the more I understand why she broke their engagement awhile back (before getting RE-engaged and then married). She is the one doing all the hard work, and after awhile, that gets exhausting.

Josh is not putting in any effort in their relationship at all. He doesn't make time for Mackenzie; he doesn't return her phone calls; and when they are together, he shows no affection, nor does he put more than the bare minimum into the conversation.

Here in regular time we know that Mackenzie and Josh are married and expecting baby number two, but I sure as heck hope he cleaned up his act before he put that ring on her finger because the way it stand right now, Josh isn't acting like a guy in love. And Mackenzie can't make him love her the way she deserves.

What do you think of Josh's cool as a cucumber act? Is he just shy or a real jerk?

Image via MTV



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