Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lady Gaga Will Perform In Space! | Allie is Wired

Lady Gaga Will Perform In Space!

Lady Gaga Will Perform In Space

Lady Gaga will become the first artist to sing in outer space!

Gaga is set to take off in a Virgin Galactic ship as part of a Zero G Colony music festival in New Mexico.

“She has to do a month of vocal training because of the atmosphere,” says a source.

The mysterious festival will take place over three days at New Mexico’s Spaceport America. Gaga’s performance is planned for the third day of the concert series at dawn.

The performer herself hinted at the news on her Twitter page today, simply tweeting the hashtag “#GagaInSpace2015.”

Gaga isn’t the only pop star with plans to explore the final frontier. Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Lance Bass have all signed up to take a ride on the Virgin Galactic ship when it launches.

Lady Gaga’s new album ‘ARTPOP’ will be released on November 11th.

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