Thursday, November 7, 2013

Justin Bieber Whoring His Way Across South America - STDs Much ...

Justin Bieber Whoring His Way Across South America - Cry For Justin, Argentina

It seems like only yesterday when an innocent floppy-haired youngster by the name of Justin Bieber took the Youtube world by storm with his puppy dog eyes and shaggy hair.

Unless I’m mistaken, he was actually the type of puppy you couldn’t leave in the window. Flash-forward a couple of years and we have some sort of an abomination masquerading as Justin Bieber. Only this time we have a 19 year-old boy pretending to be a man. It’s little late for Halloween.

Like Alexander butchering his way through the ancient world, Justin has been whoring his way through South America during his Believe world tour.

CDL has video and pics of the wee lad thoroughly exhausted from the previous night’s debauchery. Some people go to college; some flip burgers; some like Justin parade through the various brothels of Brazil and drag fifty-odd people back to your rented villa to party till you drop! Sounds like good work if you can get it! Now Justin is deflowering Argentina….

Well, rumor has it some lucky, lucky girl that Justin chose to be the floozy of the night, took it upon her lonesome to videotape Sleeping Beauty while passed out after a night of hell-raising and prove to us un-Beliebers that he actually sleeps! Either that or he filled his liquor quota for the evening and his scrawny self couldn’t handle all that hooch!

But I digress; Justin is trotting out the alibis now in a desperate bid to salvage what dignity he has left. He’s actually telling friends it’s not what it looks like! No, she couldn’t possibly be a hooker. That’s the rumor that’s been going around and now in full damage control, little Justin is trying to convince us all he wouldn’t stoop so low as to hire a hooker!

Heck, no! Women are so besotted by his saggy pants and pretty bouffant, that they should be honored to go to bed with him… for free!! Yeah, I’ll put that on my bucket list, along with some garlic and a crucifix.

Justin, Justin, you silly little boy! However do you get yourself into these situations? Take this writer’s advice: GROW UP!!

Clean yourself up, get a real job, and for goodness sakes, stop whoring!!! It’s not respectable!

Image Credit: Twitter


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