Sunday, November 10, 2013

Angelina Jolie Health Crisis: Brad Pitt Rushes To Her Side (PHOTO ...

Angelina Jolie Health Crisis: Brad Pitt Rushes To Her Side (PHOTO)

I think that when Angelina Jolie first went public with the news that she had opted to have a double mastectomy as a pre-emptive strike against breast cancer she probably believed that it was okay to speak because the worst was over. By now we already know that rather than wait a few months before undergoing reconstructive surgery Angie instead decided to ignore her doctor’s wishes and had implants put in immediately. The result has been months of pain, swelling and overall discomfort that has left Angie worrying that she is at risk for infection at the very least.

Now according to the Nov. 18th print edition of OK! Magazine she is going through yet another medical crisis. One serious enough to have doctor’s warning her that her life could easily be at risk. Brad rushed to be with his fiance and the two of them have to be wondering when this nightmare will finally end.

Can you imagine planning a wedding to Kanye West? Apparently Kim Kardashian is in a living hell with groomzilla who is as known for his pickiness as he is for his explosive temper tantrums. I wonder if Kim will just allow Kanye to plan the whole wedding himself and I have to say, I can’t imagine it. Then again I would have never in a million years thought that she would allow him to dress little Nori in only monochromatic colors. Even if she does allow Kanye to plan it all it’s going to be a miserable experience for them both.

Is Kelly Clarkson pregnant? According to the new OK magazine she’s not only celebrating her recent marriage but also a baby that is on the way. She recently said that she wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible. Do you think that she already knew that she was expecting? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Image Credit: OK!


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