Monday, March 18, 2013

Scooter Braun eyes up The Saturdays as Justin Bieber's support act ...

He's Chasing The Saturdays...

Not content with galevanting around America with Frappuccinos wearing pretty dresses and topping up their tans, it seems The Saturdays ladies have picked up a rather famous fan Stateside. Yuhuh, a certain Mr. Justin Bieber's taken a fancy to the girls, and even sent manager Scooter Braun to check them out at an exclusive gig.

Apparently El Biebo's got his eye on The Sats as his new opening act on the US leg of the Believe Tour, and Scooter took a break from being probably the most stressed-out manager in pop to see what all the fuss was about.

the saturdays justin bieber

Following the release of their new single What About Us and hit reality show Chasing The Saturdays, the gals performed a secret acoustic-y gig across the pond recently, and a pesky insider explained "Scooter and Dallas were on a spying mission. They wanted to check out the girls with a view to Dallas [Austin] producing their music and Scooter steering them on their path to fame in America.

"They were so impressed that ­Scooter immediately called Justin to tell him he’d found the ‘perfect’ act to open for him at venues in the US when he returns from the European leg of his Believe tour.” Well this is all rather exciting, isn't it?

justin bieber

And it's looking like it could all be offish very soon, as a source from Camp Sats said "We are very near to sealing a deal that should ensure The Saturdays really crack America where it counts – ­performing live in huge stadiums. There is even talk of Justin and The Saturdays collaborating on at least one number. If that happens, they are ­guaranteed a No.1 hit in the US.

“Justin might have upset a few of his British fans recently by turning up late for one gig, walking off stage midway through another and attacking a ­photographer. But if he takes The Saturdays on board, he’s going to make a lot of fans over there very happy indeed.” Well we CANNOT WAIT. Please let this be true.

And if all this does go ahead, Mollie and Co. will be in good company, as The Wanted boyos are already under Scooter's wing.

What do you reckon? Would you like to hear a Sats/Bieber collab? Don't forget to leave us a comment after we've watched the girls looking perfect (as per).

The Saturdays release video for new single 'What About Us' - WATCH

The Saturdays show off their Spring fashion in sunny LA. Harumph.

The Saturdays go shopping in LA. Do we smell a fash off?


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