Saturday, March 16, 2013

Justin Bieber Still Liked By Lindsay Lohan Despite Catty Swipe ...

Lindsay Lohan's representative has apparently denied that her client is upset following Justin Bieber's catty swipe at her this week.

Bieber, annoyed at all the media speculation surrounding his personal life, posted a giant rant to his Instagram account in which he initially blasted Lindsay Lohan. In a later edit, the reference had been removed.

"… to those comparing me to Lindsay Lohan look at her 2012 tax statements ;)", he said.

It was yesterday thought that LiLo, who is currently embroiled in yet more legal drama, was waiting for "karma" to come and bite the Canadian idol on the backside, and felt he was being a "bully".

Forgiving: Lindsay Lohan (left) and Justin Bieber (right) (WENN)

However, Lindsay's rep has now apparently denied any ill-feeling, and insisted that the actress "remains a fan" of the hitmaker, according to The Mirror.

Bieber himself had explained his decision to take out any mention of her, saying: "My post was only up for a few minutes but I realised right away that what I said at the end was wrong and distracted from what I was trying to say.

"I immediately deleted it and rewrote it so it would show what I was really feeling and those words are up now."

We guess Lindsay has bigger things to worry about!

PHOTOS: Justin Bieber - Good Boy Gone Bad

Justin Bieber shows off his abs during 'Believe' tour (Photos: WENN)


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