Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ed Sheeran Does Not Want To Date Taylor Swift | Disney Dreaming

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Ed Sheeran Does Not Want To Date Taylor Swift

Ed Sheeran is on tour with Taylor Swift right now, but he is NOT dating her! Ed was recently linked in the media to Taylor, but he told Us Weekly:

The thing that impressed me with the media is that because they wrote about it, my mates believed it. And my mates are texting me being like, ‘Is it true?’ So I said it wasn’t but the fact that people can believe it makes me feel like a bit of a stud, you know? I’ve got to be honest because one of my best friends [Harry Styles] did date her. I’m not that kind of guy. But the fact that people believed it impressed me a little bit.

Then when asked if he wanted to date Taylor, Ed said:

Six months on the road with someone, that could get a bit awkward.

Looks like we won’t see Ed and Taylor as a couple! But, could you picture it? Take the poll below to let us know!

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