Friday, November 23, 2012

Psy set to beat Bieber with Gagnam Style. | Suck My Trend

Gagnam Style by South Korean pop star Psy could become the most viewed video ever on YouTube, in the process beating Justin Bieber’s song Baby. Currently Baby has racked up over 803 million views while Gagnam Style sits in 2nd place in the chart of most viewed YouTube videos ever with over 795 million views. Whilst Psy still has some way to go, his song was released merely months ago compared to the video for Baby which was released almost three years ago! Gagnam Style is already the most liked video on YouTube with no sign that it’s popularity is waning, so it could be only a matter of time before Psy surpasses Bieber.

The success of this song is phenomenal and has pushed Psy into the spotlight across the world. The popularity of Gagnam Style is remarkable considering the vast majority of the song is sung in South Korean, with only a couple of words in English (sexy lady). Whilst the song itself is undoubtably catchy and can be heard playing in night-clubs across the world, it is unlikely whether it would have become so well-known without it’s crazy video. The video features self-styled pop star Psy in a variety of amusing locations singing and dancing, including in a stable for horses, a tube train, a sauna and even sitting on the toilet.

The dance in the video performed by Psy and a large number of dancers, is quite unique and has been likened to riding a horse. It is a testament to the popularity of this video and dance that it has sparked a number of spoofs across the internet which themselves have racked up millions of hits, including Eton Style and Mitt Romney Style. Virtually unknown outside of this his native South Korea before the release of this video, Psy has now become a household name. There are even rumours of a collaboration with Bieber on a follow-up to Gagnam Style, an interesting prospect indeed! In case you haven’t yet seen the video (where have you been?) here it is:


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