Justin Bieber might be missing out on some big interviews (such as Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People ), but he is making up for that with an Oprah interview on Oprah’s Next Chapter. He recently sat down with the talk show diva and talked about everything from fame to music to social media. The interview won’t air until November 25th, but OWN (Oprah’s network) has released the following teaser that shows us a tidbit (which highlights the topic of social media and how it has helped his own career) of their interview down below.

Justin Bieber has certainly gone far in his short career span so far, so I can see why he is a big deal. But I won’t deny and say that Oprah is pushing it far by saying social media is the main reason why he is popular. No matter if you like his music or not, I think we all can agree that he has the skills and talent. So while social media did play a big part in his career, I wouldn’t say that is the only reason he is popular. That is like saying Michael Jackson’s brothers were the big reason he was famous. It makes no logical sense when you think about it, even if they do aid in his career. As for her comparing him to the great late artists, including Michael and Elvis, I know that has ruffled a lot of feathers. I will say that was pushing it, but I think she was referring to his fandom for the most part.

How do you feel about how Oprah is marketing this interview? Will we learn anything new about Justin and will he agree that social media is main reason he is famous? I am not sure, I would like to see him agree that it plays a part, but it is far from the whole story. As for him being compared to legends, I doubt he will address those and I think that is the right move. So for the most part, I don’t think we will see much of anything new out of here, except maybe on his feelings about fame and how it affects his life. Those answers will likely become a highlight for many media outlets to report on. I know that I am excited to catch his interview and find out what he all had to say as well as to see what she all had to ask him.

article source-Popstar

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