Friday, October 12, 2012

Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby | Justin Bieber Blanket

George Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

George asks…

Which is a better Justin bieber song? Baby, or Never say never?

Need your opinion

(edit) you have to pick. No saying “none are good.”

jbbadmin answers:

Nerver say never…

Robert Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Robert asks…

I want a baby with Justin Bieber??????????????????????????????

i want to have a baby with justin bieber, but like im not going to freak him out or anything….i’ll just be friends with him then one night i’ll sneak into his room and then when the baby is born which should hopefully be a few months, we’ll use justin‘s money to get a mansion, we’ll move into the mansion with justin junior and live a happy life<3 do you think we'll be able to do all this by this new year at the least???????????

jbbadmin answers:






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Richard Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Richard asks…

Do you think this baby looks like Justin Bieber?

Okay I don’t believe that Mariah Yeater person but I was looking at her facebook fanpage which I don’t even think is her but anyways this picture was on here with some others but I really think the baby looks like Justin Bieber in this. Do you? His expression reminds me of this picture of Justin but i cant find it.

jbbadmin answers:

No but he’s so cuteeee!:D

Sharon Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Sharon asks…

Me singing Baby by Justin Bieber? Who’s better?

Haha so i was messing around today and thought about singing a song. I put my iTunes library on shuffle and Baby by Justin Bieber played.

Here’s the download link (it’ll download really quickly since it ain’t the full song, just a little part):

Poll: Who’s better? :O

1. Bieber

2. Me x)

Haha x

jbbadmin answers:

No one, because the song sucks no matter what.

Charles Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Charles asks…

Do you think this baby looks like Justin Bieber?

Okay I don’t believe that Mariah Yeater person but I was looking at her facebook fanpage which I don’t even think is her but anyways this picture was on here with some others but I really think the baby looks like Justin Bieber in this. Do you?

jbbadmin answers:

No he doesn’t.

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