Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby | Justin Bieber Blanket

Maria Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Maria asks…

Why is everyone saying Justin Bieber is the father of their baby?

He can’t even make sperm yet, why is this?

jbbadmin answers:

It’s a conspiracy

Paul Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Paul asks…

Justin Bieber got the inspiration for the “BABY” video. from “The Way You Make Me Feel”?

you HAVE to watch it, search ”Baby by justin bieber music video” on youtube like .. NOW.

or just copy and paste this link –>

and tell me wah u think

So do you Harvey .. So do you

jbbadmin answers:

I hate Justine Booger. He is a she boy who likes fish sticks and he needs to shoot himself.

Laura Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Laura asks…

Who is the girl in the video “baby” justin bieber?

jbbadmin answers:

Her name is Jasmine Villegas. She is a famous singer she is sixteen and has appeared in many tv shows commercials and music videos

Mark Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Mark asks…

What do you think of Justin Bieber’s alleged baby momma?

Hoax or for real?

jbbadmin answers:

I think the whole thing’s a hoax.

Can’t think why she’s doing it – if it is a hoax, why is she saying he’s the father, knowing that a DNA test will confirm the answer. However, If he is the father then she’s opened herself up to child abuse charges.

I think she’s a very stupid woman.

Robert Your Questions About Justin Bieber Baby

Robert asks…

Is Gary Glitter’s favorite song Justin Bieber – Baby?

jbbadmin answers:

Not likely, and no one can say otherwise, unless he makes some statement publicly.

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