Friday, October 12, 2012

The Bieber Thief Threatens To Show Justin's Private Footage ...

A Twitter user named “Gexwy” set up a new account and threatened to leak Justin Bieber’s personal footage. The person claims to be in possession of Bieber’s stolen camera and laptop, and tweeted about plans to release the footage online today if his demands aren’t met.

Bieber tweeted back to him, “no matter what you have and what you post tomorrow i know my fans wont leave me. screw it. #toostrong.” So do you think this is really Bieber?

amp The Bieber Thief Threatens To Show Justins Private Footage Today #TrendingOnThe10s

The supposed thief has already released one of Bieber’s home videos as proof that he or she has the footage, and has also threatened to leak videos of his manager and another friend. What will this do to Justin if it is really him?


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