Friday, October 12, 2012

Publicity stunt? Justin Bieber argues with alleged laptop thief online ...

The Biebster.

For those of you following every development in the Justin-Bieber’s-stolen-laptop saga…

The latest: The thief, who allegedly lifted the laptop at the pop star’s Seattle-area show earlier this week, is trying to blackmail Bieber through Twitter.

Either that, or it’s this is the lamest publicity stunt in the history of publicity stunts. And some are saying this option is looking more correct by the minute.

You wouldn’t think much of “I have your laptop” tweets in this situation typically, but this Internet lurker has released what appear to be personal videos of Bieber, and the Biebster acknowledged the threats with a canned my-fans-give-me-superpowers-so-there reply.

It’s quite an exchange, and the Bieber fans are eating it up.

via Twitter

Publicity stunt, or weirdest blackmail attempt ever?

It should be noted that Bieber is expected to release a duet with Nicki Minaj at noon today, too. Coincidence? Let’s not think about it too hard.

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