Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Justin Bieber Baby Parody (Justin Bieber Hits Puberty) | Justin Bieber

Oct. 17.

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Justin Bieber wakes up in the morning not at all feeling like P. Diddy when he sees that hair is growing in some WACKY places. So, like he always does, he sings about it. Featuring Chandler Dean as Justin Bieber and Kyle Miller as Ludacris. Lyrics to Hairy by Justin Bieber: There is hair below my arms! All this hair it makes me sick. There is hair below my nose, and there is hair around my….legs. How is this happening? How could this be? How am I goin’ through puberty? I’m just a boy who’s 4 foot 3, and I will never ever ever ever be…any taller- I’m 4 foot 7? How is this happenin’? Did I get taller? while I was nappin? I’m just a boy who’s good at rappin’, although I’m not even that great at rapping anyway, now I’m getting Hairy Hairy Hairy oh! This is scary scary scary oooh! I need dairy dairy dairy oh! Thought I’d always be hairless, hairless. There are changes going through right now… that are stranger than my fans (oh wow!) My voice is dropping faster than the Dow, Thought I would never age, age. OK I knew that this was gonna happen, but I just don’t believe I’m growing up yet No one will think I’m cool when I am 5 foot 2 and when my voice is deeper as well and I’m in pieces what will fix me? what will wake me from this midpubescent bad dream? my voice goes down down down down I just can’t believe my first grade voice won’t be around cuz I am Getting older every day! Everybody thinks I’m gay! and this is only sort of true, okay! That’s another subject you guys


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