Thursday, October 25, 2012

Justin Bieber accused of stealing credit card - Hollywood Treatment

Justin Bieber Justin Bieber accused of stealing credit cardJustin Bieber is being sued by a man who claims to be Selena Gomez’ biological father and has claimed the singer stole form him to fund a penis enlargement and an abortion.

The 18-year-old singer is being sued by an unnamed person – who claims to be the real biological father of the ‘Baby’ hitmaker’s girlfriend Selena Gomez – for the alleged theft and has also been accused of using the card to pay for an abortion.

According to, the lawsuit reads: “Bieber has cost me $426.78 and never paid me back.

“This was used as abortion money because Justin Bieber got my daughter Selena pregnant in my bedroom, on my Canadian bear rug.

“[He] gave Selena an STD and also got a penis enlargement with my stolen American Express card.”

The Michigan citizen – who claims Justin has cheated on Selena with Rihanna, Penelope Cruz and Ke$ha – has also claimed in the suit that Justin’s mentor Usher sexually abused him with a firework.

The legal documents state: “Usher Raymond came to my house on the forth of July 2012 and sodomized me with a firework and lit it inside my anal area while blaring kate perry firework song in my ear drums. (sic)”


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