Saturday, October 13, 2012

Holy Hoax! Justin Bieber pulls an elaborate prank brookewiley

Nude pictures of Justin Bieber?! Nah, just an elaborate hoax created by the Biebs himself. On October 10th, the 19-year-old singer told his fans via Twitter that his laptop had been stolen during a show the previous night. Throughout the week, he continued to tweet about the stolen laptop, and what might be leaked off of it, even saying, “no matter what you have and what you post tomorrow i know my fans wont leave me. screw it. #toostrong.” His tweets were directed at a Twitter user named @gexwy, who was reportedly the thief. This mysterious person began to post videos and photos of Justin Bieber, and even taunted him. @gexwy claimed there was going to be a big reveal on Friday, causing many tween girls to be on the edge of their seats. What would this big reveal be? As promised, when Friday arrived @gexwy posted a link to a video. To everyone’s surprise, the link was actually to Bieber’s new music video “Beauty and a Beat,” no embarrassing pictures in sight. The singer later tweeted, “Since I was 14 i have had a lot of things said about me, from dying, to taking hormones, to dying again, to stuff about my family, to saying i had a baby with a woman i never even met. nude pics, drugs, my family, my character…but today…today i get to be in on it.” Not only did Bieber get to make a jab at the media, but he also managed created a lot of hype surrounding his new music video. So, was this a smart business idea or a juvenile prank? You decide.


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