Thursday, October 11, 2012

Calgary radio stations battling it out for the love of Justin Bieber fans!

October 11th, 2012

Everywhere you go today in Calgary, everyone seems to be talking about Justin Bieber. The Canadian pop superstar brings his big show to Calgary tomorrow and since it sold out in minutes, parents, tweens and kids alike are clamouring to get their hands on a pair of coveted tickets.

In recent days, the battle for tickets has brought two local radio stations in a head to head battle for listeners, who’ll seemingly do anything to go to the concert at the Saddledome tomorrow night.

Virgin Radio has twice challenged Calgarians to intense challenges to win tickets to the show. Earlier this week, Ashley and Shelly battled it out over turkey. Whoever ate the most turkey in one hour, won the tix. In the end, Shelley managed to eat 3lbs 3oz and Ashley swallowed down on 2 lbs 5oz. Later, Ashley posted on the Facebook that she threw up for the rest of the day.

Worth Justin Bieber tickets? I don’t know.

The second challenge saw Calgary father Adrian spend 24 hours in a porta-potty listening to the same 4-second Justin Bieber loop over and over. He was doing so, so his daughter Shayden could win tickets. The challenge was made further torturous because of the temperature outside, which dipped well below the freezing mark this week.

That’s when Virgin’s main rival, Amp Radio did this:


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