Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bieber Weinergate Part Two: Justin Bieber's Dad's Naked Pics ...

Justin Bieber Dad Naked Pictures

Oh shiz!

Sounds like there’s another Bieber weiner scandal!

Beliebers, don’t get your hopes up TOO high, though — this time, the scandal is centered around Justin Bieber’s DAD!

Looks like Jeremy Bieber took some XXX-rated pics back in the day and they’re currently being shopped around!

A source revealed:

"Jeremy was purposely posing in all the photos, and he's completely naked showing full-frontal. They look like they were taken for a Playgirl-type magazine or something."

Oh boy… we can only imagine, LOLz!

Though there’s no word yet on whether or not the pics have been sold, we’re sure the Biebs isn’t too thrilled about it!

Talk about awkward!! Could JB's dad be the most eligible DILF?!

Guess we'll have to wait and see! Ha!

[Image via WENN.]

Tags: full frontal, jeremy bieber, justin bieber, naked, naked pictures, photo, pictures, playgirl, scandal, weiner



The News http://perezhilton.com/2012-10-23-justin-bieber-dad-jeremy-bieber-naked-photos-shopped-full-frontal from http://justinbieberbabyweb.blogspot.com